Saturday, January 7, 2012

Shake It Up Baby...

So, gentle reader, here's the deal...

I got out of step toward the end of last year. The whys don't really matter. What matters is that I did, and once I fell out of the awesome rhythm I'd been using to keep myself in tune with both my life in here and now (i.e. family stuff and household issues) and my life on the net as an author (yeah, you'd better throw in the whole having time to write thing as well) ---well, once that got out of step I was screwed.

So, here's were I straighten things out.
Get myself turned around in the right direction and get headed where I want to go.
Set a schedule where I have time to write and blog and interact with all you lovely people.
Here's the game plan then, babies, and I shall do my very damnedest to stick to it.
I can't promise that life won't occasionally throw me some curve balls and force me to take a day or two off, but if it does, I will throw out an s.o.s. and let you know.
I think that'll be fair enough.

Weekly Blogs will follow this format with the exception of special occasions, and I will let you know about those at the beginning of every month. No, really. I pinky swear.
Manic Monday: wherein I will outline the week, let you know about special guest appearances and give a little insight into the insanity that is my daily "same ole-same ole".
Tuesday Teasers and Triumphs: wherein I will post teasers about upcoming publications, kick-off pre-release contests, and talk about what is making me jiggle with joy, as it were.
Work in Progress or Wicked Wednesday: Either excerpts or salacious pics...and occasionally other wicked things. Heh. You'll have to wait and see!!
Think Tank Thursdays: Where I'll raise issues or questions about stuff that makes my characters go..."hmmm"...and let them take the wheel to talk about it.
Fabulous Fridays: Yes, my flash shall return here. Free web stories. Oh yeah, bay-bee. The good stuff.
Saturday Snark from hither and yon: I'll be joining the amazing Anne Tenino for her Saturday Snark, and writing a wee bit about where in the world I am and why it matters.
Sunday Snog and Six Sentences: Sunday's are so nice I have to post twice, lol. No, really. I love the Snog with Victoria Blisse, and I adore Six Sentence Sunday. So I plan to do both.

This will all be kicking off starting this Sunday...I'm late to do the Six Sentence thingy officially, but I'll post six anyway and jump back on the official wagon next week.


And that is all for now, because this lil' author needs to go get some writing done.

And this is all written from my personal corner of the world, looking out the window were my tree of inspiration stands.

I am serious about the tree. I think it actually grows plot ideas. Or perhaps it's just a portal to the land where my muse lives, but either way, it makes me happy.

Ciao, babies. I'll kick off the New Year in re-organized style tomorrow.
Smooches to ya.


  1. Good luck with that, darlin'! I planned on getting all my sheets dried on the line today, but I *believe* those are rainclouds darkening the sky so I shall scamper out the back...

  2. You'll do great, Cherie! I think that getting organized and making a plan is my biggest challenge as well. *hugs*


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