Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wicked Wednesday: Better Late...

Sorry, babies, running the feet off today. No, really. I honestly can not even remember what all I did... ummm... final edits on six books. Ah, formatting stuff, child wrangling, assorted nursing duties...

and I got to make pancakes for dinner. It was a good day.

The expanded version of Incongruent Angel went live today over at ARe, after having over 15,500 words added to it. Yay! Here's a pic of the cover...

You can still find the original (much shorter ) version over at the LiAW event on the M/M romance group's page. It's just over 10,000 words... and leaves off at a sweet HFN spot.

So, seriously? If you're tapped for cash right now, read the free story. But remember the full length story is waiting for you at ARe, and it is just the start of a fun Rocker Series called Liquid Sin.

Yeah, I so said fun times are ahead. There are three more beautiful rocker boys to get to know from the band.

Such questions as: why didn't any of the band members show up at the hospital (?) will be answered in the next book.

Night all.

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