Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thursday Think Tank: Things that Move Me

Really good song lyrics move me. It's why I make a playlist for each and every Work In Progress. The songs reflect the story I'm writing, somewhere deep in my soul, and playing them puts me right in the headspace I need to be in to write those particular characters. It's amazing and wonderful.

Lately Adele has been moving me. You know, there's just something about a girl that can turn a man breaking her heart into multiple grammys and an album that just couldn't stay off the charts that says WOW to me. Heh. So I listen to her when I write. Right now I'm working on the sequel to The Soldier & the State Trooper, and her wonderfully poignant lyrics and smoking hot melodies are exactly the thing to put me in the space where I can breath Evans and Doctor Bald-Eagle.

Thanks, Adele.

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