Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday Newsday... Dun-dun-daaaaaaaaahhhh!

Some days you just really need a cute sloth around your waist to announce the truly important stuff with a bit of panache. 


So, in the news this week: 
1) I did pick up a GoodReads Story... I couldn't pass up on Angelique's amazing pic and prompt combo. I've begun plotting, and should have the story written (if all goes according to plan) by the end of the month. 
*sheesh, stop snickering...sometimes my plans work out!*

2) Still working on edits to ARTBU and CRANES... 
*the edits that will not end... Kidding, they will end, eventually*

3) Next up? More stuff and nonsense. I've got two sekrit projects I must wrap up by the end of the month, and two re-writes also due--that's in addition to the two edits listed above. 

4) Panic and flail. That's what one does when going to school full-time *15 credits* and trying to keep up with an insane writing schedule. 

Pfffttt, I got this. 
No, really. 

5) Thank my lucky stars I have such an awesome minion.

6)REAL NEWS, finally!! I am going to GRL. I am also bringing one of my *as yet to be unveiled* cover-cabana-boys. He he he. I promise to tell you when his cover goes up. 

And that's it for the week. :) Unless something absolutely awesome happens midweek, in which case I'll fill you in then.

Oh, and it's my birthday today. Happy birthday to me!! I have the best job in the world, I love my kidlet, and I am having a blast in school. And, as a special it's my birthday prize, the first to comment on the thread below with the title of my latest release *hint, an anthology with Jambrea Jo Jones and Kendall McKenna* will win a cute little stuffed wolf. 

Have a great day babies, and wring all the joy possible out of the moment you are in. 

~Cherie Noel

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